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SOURCE : /p/canon-pixma-pro-200/4549292160611
Error URL : /p/canon-pixma-pro-200/4549292160611
Error type 8
found in file /var/www/html/phox/application/Library/App/Catalog.php
at line #229
Infos : Trying to access array offset on value of type bool

Stack Trace :
#0 fError(8, Trying to access array offset on value of type bool, /var/www/html/phox/application/Library/App/Catalog.php, 229, Array ([aValues] => Array ([codepro] => 4960759904676,[proref] => ,[suiref] => false,[dispo] => DPC,[attributes] => Array ([0] => 1000065073,408,[1] => 1000065080,14027433414898474481,[2] => 1000065468,408,[3] => 1000066004,408,[4] => 1000066165,8383728332,[5] => 1000066361,343,[6] => 1000066373,245022,[7] => 1000066558,408,[8] => 1000066559,07340,[9] => 1000066573,408,[10] => 1000069557,24334294075407282745,[11] => 1000070384,07340,[12] => 1000070385,343,[13] => 1000070386,7417834,[14] => 1000070388,882514089,[15] => 1000072973,05507481574943024786,[16] => 1000073696,005,[17] => 1000073697,30744283820214873498,[18] => 1000074568,24,[19] => 1000074569,50,[20] => 2000074621,05507481574947417834,[21] => 2000074968,11143981148431067405,[22] => 2000075138,427039029814,[23] => 2000075149,10994784,[24] => 2000075155,522536,[25] => 2000075156,52,[26] => 2000075157,24390745,[27] => 2000075158,3522,[28] => 2000075395,3432422038604,[29] => 2000075786,3432422038604,[30] => 54170,408,[31] => 5434,408,[32] => 5476,51483547209,[33] => 5497,7417834,[34] => 56978,695,[35] => 6036,134,[36] => 60395,24,[37] => 6184,675,[38] => 62296,1005,[39] => 64166,32,[40] => 64893,302478604494598604,[41] => 64894,408,[42] => 65401,1040000,[43] => 65410,54563,[44] => 65854,1099478418843,[45] => 999999999,3487,[46] => ATT12,TEST PRODUIT,[47] => ATT13,#eb3b5a,[48] => MAR,1463,[49] => fam01,1,[50] => fam02,1_2,[51] => fam03,1_2_,[52] => fam04,1_2__,[53] => fam05,1_2___)),[aDataArticle] => Array ([codepro] => 4960759904676,[code_catalogue] => 4960759904676,[proref] => ,[suiref] => 0,[refvente] => ,[typepro] => ,[dispo] => DPC,[delai_dispo] => ,[stock] => 2,[collection] => ,[supplier] => ,[ref_supplier] => Z5+24-50,[logo01] => ,[logo02] => ,[logo03] => ,[logo04] => ,[logo05] => ,[statut] => ,[coefuv] => 1,[uniref] => PCE,[fams] => Array ([0] => Array ([codepro] => 4960759904676,[fam01] => 1,[fam02] => 2,[fam03] => ,[fam04] => ,[fam05] => ,[number] => 1,[label_fam01] => Appareils Photo,[label_fam02] => Hybride,[label_fam03] => ,[label_fam04] => ,[label_fam05] => )),[declinaison] => Array (),[meta_data] => Array (),[media] => Array ([0] => Array ([path] => 4960759904676/,[filename] => 4960759904676_1.jpg,[key] => ,[value] => ,[type] => img,[role] => 0,[order] => 1)),[media_default] => 4960759904676/[PREFIXE]4960759904676_1.jpg,[des01] => ,[des02] => ,[des03] => ,[des04] => ,[des05] => ,[des06] => ,[des07] => 4960759904676,[des08] => ,[des09] => ,[des10] => ,[des11] => 1,[des12] => 0,[des13] => ,[des14] => 200805000000005,[des15] => HYBRIDNUMEXP,[des16] => 0,68,[des17] => AA075,[des18] => 0,13,[des19] => 0,00,[des20] => 0.00,[texts] => Array ([codepro] => 4960759904676,[lang] => FRA,[long_text01] => C’est un boîtier d’initiation au 24x36. Il hérite du somptueux viseur Oled de 3,68 Mpts , d’un capteur Cmos de 24,3 Mpxl stabilisé sur 5 axes et du processeur Expeed 6. Au dos du boîtier, l’agencement des touches est similaire, mais l’afficheur sur le capot supérieur disparaît. Ce Z5 dispose de nombreux joints d’étanchéité et la définition de l’écran LCD de 3,2 pouces, tactile et inclinable sur un plan vertical, s’élève à 1,04 Mpts. Côté rafale, la cadence est de 4,5 im/s mais l’obturateur monte,[long_text02] => ,[long_text03] => ,[long_text04] => ,[long_text05] => ,[text01] => NIKON
Z5 + 24-50,[text02] => Z5 + 24-50,[text03] => ,[text04] => ,[text05] => ,[text06] => ,[text07] => ,[text08] => ,[text09] => ,[text10] => ,[text11] => ,[text12] => ,[title] => NIKON
Z5 + 24-50,[subtitle] => Z5 + 24-50,[label_declinaison] => ),[prices] => Array ([ref_vente] => 6342,[standard_price_article] => 1649,[strike_price_article] => ,[integer_part_price_article] => 1649,[decimal_part_price_article] => 00,[degressif] => Array (),[best_price] => Array ([bestprice] => 1649,[apartirde] => ,[strike_price] => ,[logo01] => ),[logo01] => ),[url] =>,[label] => Z5 + 24-50,[codepro_origine] => 4960759904676,[visible] => 1,[type_produit] => 1,[code_treatment] => ,[sigdep] => ,[shipping_method] => ,[date_fin_rupture] => ,[weight] => ,[width] => ,[height] => ,[depth] => ,[best01] => 0,[best02] => 0,[best03] => 0,[coduni] => PCE,[date_creation] => 2020-08-05,[date_online] => 2020-08-05,[date_start] => 1900-01-01 00:00:00,[date_end] => 2100-01-01 23:59:59,[codetva] => 1,[site] => 1,[codbar] => BAR,[declinaisonContraintes] => ,[coupons] => ,[prefixe_media] => m_),[aParams] => Array ([source] => solr,[id_catalog] => 29,[id_page] => ,[page] => 1,[nb_by_page] => 12,[order] => dispo,[orderby] => asc,[type] => swiper,[split] => ,[max] => 20,[data] => Array ([type] => association,[codepro] => 4549292160611,[type_assoc] => S),[rules] => Array ([ADD] => Array ([0] => Array ([bool] => ,[key] => codepro,[operator] => =,[value] => 4548736079656),[1] => Array ([bool] => ,[key] => codepro,[operator] => =,[value] => 4960759904676),[2] => Array ([bool] => ,[key] => codepro,[operator] => ,[value] => 4549292063615),[3] => Array ([bool] => ,[key] => codepro,[operator] => =,[value] => 4046628432836),[4] => Array ([bool] => ,[key] => codepro,[operator] => =,[value] => 0683203854986),[5] => Array ([bool] => ,[key] => codepro,[operator] => =,[value] => 0000000032513),[6] => Array ([bool] => ,[key] => codepro,[operator] => =,[value] => 4549292119091),[7] => Array ([bool] => ,[key] => codepro,[operator] => =,[value] => 4547410362534))),[filters] => Array (),[authorizedFilter] => Array (),[liste_codepro] => Array (),[pushcontent] => Array (),[lang] => fra,[devise] => EUR,[type_devise] => TTC,[codbar] => BAR,[date] => 2024-05-16 06:27:40,[query] => ,[seePagination] => 0,[seeOrderMenu] => 0,[seeFilterMenu] => 0,[globalFilterMenu] => 0,[seeDecliPicto] => 0,[onlycat] => ,[level] => 0,[prefixe_media] => m_,[template_file] => SHOP_mozaique_may_also_like.tpl.php,[rotator_controls] => 1,[rotator_height] => ,[rotator_width] => 720px,[rotator_link] => ,[rotator_speed] => 2000,[onlyCatalogFilters] => 0,[rotator_transition] => slideLeft,[class_css] => ,[nb_by_line] => 4,[swiper_autoplay] => ,[swiper_loop] => 1,[swiper_navigation] => 1,[swiper_pagination] => 0,[swiper_speed] => ,[article_templates] => Array (),[hash] => ,[tpl_suffix] => _assoc),[Kconfig] => App_Config Object ([val] => Array ([bdd] => Array ([connector] => pdo,[host] =>,[username] => phox,[password] => P9c!dZH6c3W,[dbname] => phox_cms,[binaries_path] => ,[escape_password] => 1),[cookies] => Array ([persistante_connection] => 1,[lifetime] => 31536000,[share_domains] => 1),[session] => Array ([method] => php,[cookie_time] => 0,[gc_maxlifetime] => 10,[name] => phox,[bdd_table] => sessiondb_innodb,[mem_lifetime] => 3600,[mem_timeout] => 2,[session_path] => /var/www/html/phox/sess/),[app] => Array ([type] => dev,[protocol] => https,[port] => 443,[garbage_probability] => 100,[garbage_timearchive] => 1,[garbage_timedelete] => 7,[admin] => admin,[salt] => p£@!edBt#gb!:78,[crypt_key] => qqqshjkkmldhfiugbesgherlghgjhgrsvuqljshfcnye,[template_path] => ../application/Views/,[template_admin] => admin,[template_ajax] => ajax,[format_export] => iso,[format_import] => utf8,[use_kcms_route] => 1,[cms_nb_zone] => 8,[logs_path] => ../logs/,[cmsorganizer] => Array ([0] => directory_cms_pages,[1] => directory_cms_contenthtml,[2] => directory_cms_menus,[3] => directory_cms_blogs,[4] => directory_cms_contentrotator,[5] => directory_cms_catalogs,[6] => directory_tags,[7] => directory_cms_scenarios,[8] => directory_cms_flipbook,[9] => directory_cms_contenthtmlblog),[parameters] => Array ([0] => sitename,[1] => default_title,[2] => default_meta,[3] => default_tags,[4] => private_site,[5] => actif_site,[6] => template_name,[7] => domain,[8] => default_lang,[9] => authorized_lang,[10] => cart_version),[typemedia] => Array ([img] => Array ([0] => jpg,[1] => jpeg,[2] => png,[3] => gif),[vid] => Array ([0] => webm,[1] => ogg,[2] => flv,[3] => mp4),[doc] => Array ([0] => doc,[1] => docx,[2] => xls,[3] => xlsx,[4] => pdf,[5] => txt)),[cmsorganizereshop] => Array ([0] => directory_cms_catalogs,[1] => cms_catalogs),[lang] => Array ([fra] => Array ([label] => Français,[ISO-639-1] => fr)),[territory] => Array ([FR] => Array ([label] => France)),[use_alias] => 1,[alias_comportment] => 2,[chooselang_page] => selectcountry.html,[geoip_sharedmemory] => 1,[eshop] => 1),[account] => Array ([multisite] => ,[use_captcha] => ,[create_account_default_value] => 1,[type] => Array ([user] => Array ([0] => DSeshop,[1] => Iroquois),[admin] => Array ([0] => Localadmin)),[time_validity_request] => 3600,[mandatory_fields] => Array ([0] => gender,[1] => firstname,[2] => lastname,[3] => adr1,[4] => zipcode,[5] => city,[6] => country,[7] => email)),[blog] => Array ([nb_max_par_page] => 100,[delta] => 2,[tri] => date_modif),[cache] => Array ([type] => file,[path] => /var/www/html/phox/cache,[pathadmin] => /var/www/html/phox/cacheadmin,[timeout] => 3600),[minify] => Array ([path] => ../public/scripts,[timeout] => 31536000),[optins] => Array ([type] => Phox,[export] => Array ([directory_path] => /var/www/html/phox/tmp/)),[form] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => Contact,[1] => CallBack)),[email] => Array ([roles] => Array ([0] => contact_to_admin,[1] => contact_to_user,[2] => createaccount_to_user,[3] => forgotten_password_to_user,[4] => forgotten_password_alert_to_user,[5] => confirmorder_to_user,[6] => confirmorder_to_user_vi,[7] => return_to_user,[8] => return_to_admin,[9] => valid_awaiting_return_to_user,[10] => valid_definitive_return_to_user,[11] => invoice_to_user,[12] => return_after_refund_to_user,[13] => cancel_order_to_user,[14] => receipt_shipment_to_store,[15] => contact_to_store,[16] => alert_stock_to_admin),[is_smtp] => 1,[host] =>,[port] => 587,[is_auth] => 1,[user] =>,[password] => Solucia!2018,[from] =>,[fromname] => Demo Solucia,[charset] => utf-8,[limit_send] => 5),[analytics] => Array ([is_actif] => ,[name] => __neeetstats,[salt] => hKy89cF4jmA,[lifetime] => 172800,[mode] => bdd),[solr] => Array ([is_actif] => 1,[url] => Array ([fra] =>,[timeout] => 60),[controller] => Array ([error] => zone04,[404] => zone02,[search] => zone05,[video] => zone03,[blog] => zone03,[article] => zone03,[eshop_title] => zone04,[password] => zone04,[recherche_title] => zone03,[previewdefault] => zone03,[previewrotator] => zone03,[previewblog] => zone03,[emptycart] => zone03),[contact] => Array ([rubrics] => Array ([C01] => CONTACT_RUBRIC_MY_ACCOUNT,[C02] => CONTACT_RUBRIC_RETURN_ARTICLE,[C03] => CONTACT_RUBRIC_MY_SHIPPING,[C04] => CONTACT_RUBRIC_PAYMENT,[C05] => CONTACT_RUBRIC_ARTICLE_ISSUES,[C06] => CONTACT_RUBRIC_CANNOT_ORDER,[C07] => CONTACT_RUBRIC_SUGGEST,[C08] => CONTACT_RUBRIC_FOLLOW_ORDER,[C09] => CONTACT_RUBRIC_MY_PERSONNAL_INFO),[google_secret_key] => 6LddLpogAAAAAMIkRa599Xe_lx95_jGjM4ZOe9bU,[google_site_key] => 6LddLpogAAAAABbJLXJG-HImtB6lSt6zsVstqC62),[menu] => Array ([nb_max_element_by_zone] => 3,[nb_max_line_by_zone] => 5,[brand_label] => ,[brand_url] => /,[nb_max_menu_by_line] => 5,[menu_position] => pull-right),[social] => Array ([facebook] => 1,[twitter] => 1,[google] => 1,[pinterest] => 1),[template] => Array ([default] => __template_main.tpl.php),[google] => Array ([idga] => UA-00000000-0),[swiper] => Array ([speed] => 300),[interstitial_popin] => Array ([is_enabled] => ),[breadcrumb_compte] => Array ([0] => mon-compte,[1] => mes-commandes,[2] => mes-adresses,[3] => mes-factures,[4] => mes-favoris,[5] => mes-retours),[webservice] => Array ([link] =>,[user] => userDotsoft,[paswd] => D0tsoft),[cart] => Array ([id] => neeet,[options] => Array ([type] => cookie,[lifetime] => 172800,[path] => ../cart/),[persistent] => 1),[bdd_eshop] => Array ([connector] => pdo,[host] =>,[username] => phox,[password] => P9c!dZH6c3W,[dbname] => phox_eshop),[admin_orders] => Array ([pagination] => 15,[stats_all_sites] => 1),[admin_invoices] => Array ([pagination] => 15),[admin_usersinfos] => Array ([pagination] => 15),[admin_orders_return] => Array ([pagination] => 15),[admin_vouchers] => Array ([pagination] => 15),[admin_optins] => Array ([pagination] => 15),[admin_catalog] => Array ([use_solr] => 1),[allowedfamily] => Array ([fam01] => 1,[fam02] => 1,[fam03] => 1,[fam04] => 1,[fam05] => 1),[devise] => Array ([EUR] => Array ([label] => Euro,[sign] => €),[GBP] => Array ([label] => Livre sterling,[sign] => £),[USD] => Array ([label] => Dollar,[sign] => $)),[default_devise] => Array ([1] => EUR,[2] => EUR),[deviseGrid] => Array ([1] => Array ([FR] => EUR,[UK] => LIV),[2] => Array ([FR] => EUR,[US] => USD)),[default_typedevise] => Array ([1] => TTC,[2] => TTC),[typedeviseGrid] => Array ([1] => Array ([FR] => TTC),[2] => Array ([FR] => TTC)),[priceType] => Array ([0] => HT,[1] => TTC),[default_codbar] => Array ([1] => BAR),[catalog] => Array ([is_actif] => 1,[url] => Array ([fra] =>,[devise_core_url] =>,[devise_core_name] => phox_devises,[action] => select,[nb_by_page] => 12,[order] => text01,[orderby] => asc,[deltapagination] => 3,[type] => std,[choice_nb_by_page] => Array ([0] => 18,[1] => 36,[2] => 72,[3] => 144,[4] => 300),[nb_custom_order] => 5,[nb_complex_order] => 5,[split_decli_chapeau] => 1,[nb_by_line] => 0),[filter_template] => Array ([VAR457] => color),[fams_content] => Array ([1] => Tétière SHP,[2] => Menu eshop,[3] => Texte catégorie),[scenario_fams_content] => Array ([1] => Tétière SHP,[2] => Menu eshop,[3] => Texte catégorie),[menueshop] => Array ([menu_event] => 0,[levelmax] => 2,[selector] => .menushop_1,[fam] => 3,[display] => 1),[menueshopsecondaire] => Array ([filter_fams] => 0),[look] => Array ([type_product] => LOO,[type_association] => O),[id_catalog] => Array ([search] => 3,[association] => Array ([A] => 7,[P] => 24,[G] => 999,[S] => 29),[articlesviewed] => 21,[wishlist] => 22,[wishlist-mobile] => 30,[push_addcart] => 32,[occasion] => 26,[flagship] => 33),[article] => Array ([longtext_tab_order] => Array ([1] => 2,[2] => 1,[3] => 3),[dispo_disabled] => Array ([0] => ERR),[dispo_notorderable] => Array ([0] => DIF,[1] => EPU),[typepro_invalide] => Array ([0] => CAD),[typepro_notshowoncatalog] => Array ([0] => 6,[1] => CAD,[2] => FDP),[typepro_notshowonautocompletion] => Array ([0] => 6,[1] => 15,[2] => CAD,[3] => FDP),[numpost_gift] => 100,[numpost_fdp] => 999,[codepro_fdp] => 4631,[quantity_select_max] => 5,[type_gift_to_remove] => Array ([0] => CAD),[type_produit_occasion] => 15,[dispo_preorder] => Array ([0] => PRE,[1] => RET),[dispo_preorder_delay] => des06,[module] => Array ([nb_zone] => 2),[trigger_credit_price] => 40),[stock] => Array ([code_treatment] => Array ([TDP] => Toujours dispo,[EPC] => Epuisé commercial,[DOF] => Différé d'office,[TDF] => Ouvert à la vente,[DPH] => Dispo sur stock physique,[ACT] => A concurence du),[sigdep] => Array ([LOGVAD] => LogVad,[DEP02] => dépot 02),[shipping_method] => Array ([SUPPLIER] => Départ fournisseur,[STOCK] => Départ stock),[default_dispo] => Array ([TDP] => DPC,[EPC] => EPU,[DOF] => DIF),[default_notdispo] => Array ([TDF] => DIF,[DPH] => EPU,[ACT] => ),[dispo] => Array ([0] => DPC,[1] => DIFF,[2] => EPU)),[supplier] => Array ([address_type] => Array ([0] => SOC,[1] => EXP,[2] => FAC)),[article_viewed] => Array ([actif] => ,[cookie_name] => __9alk4sjdpazefzrhg,[cookie_lifetime] => 31536000,[nb_max] => 3),[wishlist] => Array ([use] => 1,[nbmax] => 1),[declinaison] => Array ([autocomplete] => 1,[type] => Vignette),[deluxe] => Array ([selector] => .menushop_1),[media] => Array ([directory_document] => ./media/files/,[directory_video] => ./media/files/videos/,[directory_input] => ./media/images/media_import/,[directory_output] => ./media/images/products/,[directory_archive] => ../tmp/archives/,[use_archive] => 1,[resolutions] => Array ([v_] => 122,[m_] => 340,[g_] => 660),[compressquality] => 95,[allowedExtension] => Array ([0] => jpg,[1] => png,[2] => gif,[3] => jpeg),[exportftp] => ,[ftp] => Array ([host] =>,[port] => 21,[user] => sol1u001,[password] => solucia0109,[destination] => /data/www/clepsydre/medias/)),[normalize] => Array ([active] => ,[type] => qas,[config] => Array ([CONTROL_WSDL_URN] =>,[CONTROL_LAYOUT] => VAD)),[type_address] => Array ([0] => LIV,[1] => FAC),[country_with_specific_template] => Array ([0] => FR,[1] => US,[2] => CA,[3] => CH,[4] => IT),[city_state_zipcode_with_specific_template] => Array ([0] => US,[1] => CA,[2] => CH,[3] => IT),[checkout] => Array ([laststep] => 5),[order] => Array ([0] => Dseshop),[order_connector_for_tags] => 0,[autonomous_mode] => 1,[order_admin] => 0,[order_collect_payments] => Array ([0] => CB),[order_states] => Array ([0] => ORDER_STATE_BEING_CREATED,[1] => ORDER_STATE_VALID,[2] => ORDER_STATE_KO,[3] => ORDER_STATE_DEFINITIVE_KO),[order_definitive_ko] => Array ([state] => 3,[status] => 1),[order_status] => Array ([0] => STATUS_WAITING,[1] => STATUS_SHIPPED,[2] => STATUS_VALIDATE,[5] => STATUS_VALIDATE_RET_MAG,[6] => STATUS_SUPPORTED),[invoices] => Array ([shipping_decision_dispo] => Array ([DPC] => ALIV,[DIF] => ADIF,[EPU] => AEPU),[dispo_allowed] => Array ([0] => DPC),[states] => Array ([0] => INVOICE_STATE_BEING_CREATED,[1] => INVOICE_STATE_VALID,[2] => INVOICE_STATE_CANCELLED),[cancel] => Array ([state] => 2,[status02] => ANNULE),[status] => Array ([ALIV] => Array ([DIFFER] => LIVDIF,[RETDIF] => LIVDIF,[RETARD] => LIVRET,[DIFRET] => LIVRET,[default] => LIVRE),[ARET] => Array ([DIFFER] => RETDIF,[RETDIF] => RETDIF,[RETARD] => RETARD,[DIFRET] => RETARD,[default] => RETARD),[ADIF] => Array ([DIFFER] => DIFFER,[RETDIF] => DIFFER,[RETARD] => DIFRET,[DIFRET] => DIFRET,[default] => DIFFER),[AEPU] => Array ([DIFFER] => EPUDIF,[RETDIF] => EPUDIF,[RETARD] => EPURET,[DIFRET] => EPURET,[default] => EPUISE)),[use_direct_link_before_valid_invoice] => ,[pdf_path] => /tmp/,[pdf_specific_template_by_type] => Array ([BL] => _bl)),[eshoplocal] => Array ([id_user_anonymous] => MODELE),[soneeet] => Array ([enabled_all_country] => 1,[country_enabled] => Array ([1] => Array ([0] => FR,[1] => BE)),[modes_enabled] => Array ([1] => Array ([DEFAULT] => Array ([0] => RETRAITMAGPETIT,[1] => CHRONOPOST,[2] => CHRONORELAIS),[FR] => Array ([0] => RETRAITMAGPETIT,[1] => CHRONOPOST,[2] => CHRONORELAIS),[BE] => Array ([0] => RETRAITMAGPETIT,[1] => CHRONOPOST,[2] => CHRONORELAIS))),[template] => neeetcmsv2,[modes_show_only_lastname] => Array ([0] => RETRAITMAGPETIT,[1] => CHRONORELAIS),[rel_modes] => Array ([0] => RETRAITMAGPETIT,[1] => CHRONORELAIS)),[default_delivey_mode] => Array ([1] => Array ([DEFAULT] => ,[FR] => )),[payments_enabled] => Array ([1] => Array ([DEFAULT] => Array ([0] => CBOGONE,[1] => ALMA,[2] => PP,[3] => VI),[FR] => Array ([0] => CBOGONE,[1] => ALMA,[2] => PP,[3] => VI),[BE] => Array ([0] => CBOGONE,[1] => ALMA,[2] => PP,[3] => VI))),[payments_enabled_by_emails] => Array ([] => Array ([0] => CBOGONE,[1] => WLOGONE,[2] => ALMA,[3] => PP,[4] => VI),[] => Array ([0] => CBOGONE,[1] => ALMA,[2] => PP,[3] => VI),[] => Array ([0] => CBOGONE,[1] => WLOGONE,[2] => ALMA,[3] => PP,[4] => VI)),[default_payment] => Array ([1] => Array ([DEFAULT] => ,[FR] => )),[payment_form] => Array ([addpaymentcontroller] => addpayment,[secure_token] => AlkKc2BGGHv2b2sqf5hPeugt8erf8nMxhx424xqscAQPz9dqc),[paymentform] => Array ([timeout] => 7200),[payments_forcevalidate] => Array ([0] => CH,[1] => CR,[2] => VI,[3] => CBOFF),[order_return] => Array ([date_limit] => 100,[allowed_statut] => Array ([0] => 4,[1] => 5,[2] => 6,[3] => 7,[4] => L,[5] => P,[6] => R),[states] => Array ([0] => ORDERRETURN_STATE_CREATED,[1] => ORDERRETURN_STATE_VALIDATED,[2] => ORDERRETURN_STATE_CANCELLED),[pdf_path] => /tmp/),[order_return_article] => Array ([states] => Array ([0] => ORDERRETURN_STATE_VALIDATED,[1] => ORDERRETURN_STATE_CANCELLED)),[lockorder] => Array ([0] => V),[generix] => Array ([version] => 160,[codsoc] => 1000,[host] =>,[port] => 7006,[url] => /gce160/btoe/GCE/ServletControl,[connect_timeout] => 1200,[login_user] => SOLUCIA,[login_password] => SOLSOL,[login_url] => ?sourceview=LOGIN&cinematic=login(Login),[params] => &render_type=xml_pres,[max_connexion] => 40,[gc] => 100,[tentative_login] => 3,[tentative_service] => 4,[verbose] => 1,[db_logs] => 1,[db_logs_response] => ,[log_curl] => 1,[timeout] => 10,[sigtie_modele] => MODELE),[dseshop] => Array ([InteractionPointId] => 99,[TouchPointId] => 1,[UserId] => 107,[PrefixChronoDocument] => 000199),[allowed_order_status] => Array ([0] => 0,[1] => 1,[2] => 2,[3] => 3,[4] => 4,[5] => 5,[6] => 6),[validated_order_status] => 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appointmentscheduled,[2] => qualifiedtobuy,[5] => closedwon)),[bin_sja] => /var/www/cgi-bin/import_phox/bin/,[sync_stock_file] => /var/www/cgi-bin/import_phox/sync/BACKUP_TO_ESHOP_STOCK.xml,[avisverifies] => Array ([connector] => 1,[brand] => Phox,[indexSKU] => des10,[ftp_directory] => /var/www/html/phox/tmp/avisverifies,[limit_comments] => 3,[secret_key] => cfe75eb0-89b2-0a74-c5ed-0a366614ca2d,[id_website] => e6f26d97-1a14-d3e4-85e4-e5ff5ba4e459,[url_ws] =>,[Kcontext] => App_Context Object ([link_rel] => Array ([prev] => ,[next] => ,[current] => ,[redirect301] => 0),[lang] => fra,[territory] => FR,[devise] => EUR,[type_devise] => TTC,[codbar] => BAR,[site] => 1,[version] => 1.0,[protocol] => https,[port] => 443,[parameters] => Array ([sitename] => Phox,[default_title] => Phox général,[default_meta] => ,[default_tags] => ,[private_site] => 0,[actif_site] => 1,[template_name] => phox,[domain] =>,[default_lang] => fra,[authorized_lang] => Array ([0] => fra),[cart_version] => 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Ajouter au panier
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Z5 + 24-50,[text02] => Z5 + 24-50,[text03] => ,[text04] => ,[text05] => ,[text06] => ,[text07] => ,[text08] => ,[text09] => ,[text10] => ,[text11] => ,[text12] => ,[title] => NIKON
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#2 App_Catalog::buildCatalogFromList(Array ([numFound] => 2,[start] => 0,[numFoundExact] => 1,[docs] => Array ([0] => Array ([codepro] => 4960759904676,[proref] => ,[suiref] => false,[dispo] => DPC,[attributes] => Array ([0] => 1000065073,408,[1] => 1000065080,14027433414898474481,[2] => 1000065468,408,[3] => 1000066004,408,[4] => 1000066165,8383728332,[5] => 1000066361,343,[6] => 1000066373,245022,[7] => 1000066558,408,[8] => 1000066559,07340,[9] => 1000066573,408,[10] => 1000069557,24334294075407282745,[11] => 1000070384,07340,[12] => 1000070385,343,[13] => 1000070386,7417834,[14] => 1000070388,882514089,[15] => 1000072973,05507481574943024786,[16] => 1000073696,005,[17] => 1000073697,30744283820214873498,[18] => 1000074568,24,[19] => 1000074569,50,[20] => 2000074621,05507481574947417834,[21] => 2000074968,11143981148431067405,[22] => 2000075138,427039029814,[23] => 2000075149,10994784,[24] => 2000075155,522536,[25] => 2000075156,52,[26] => 2000075157,24390745,[27] => 2000075158,3522,[28] => 2000075395,3432422038604,[29] => 2000075786,3432422038604,[30] => 54170,408,[31] => 5434,408,[32] => 5476,51483547209,[33] => 5497,7417834,[34] => 56978,695,[35] => 6036,134,[36] => 60395,24,[37] => 6184,675,[38] => 62296,1005,[39] => 64166,32,[40] => 64893,302478604494598604,[41] => 64894,408,[42] => 65401,1040000,[43] => 65410,54563,[44] => 65854,1099478418843,[45] => 999999999,3487,[46] => ATT12,TEST PRODUIT,[47] => ATT13,#eb3b5a,[48] => MAR,1463,[49] => fam01,1,[50] => fam02,1_2,[51] => fam03,1_2_,[52] => fam04,1_2__,[53] => fam05,1_2___)),[1] => Array ([codepro] => 4548736079656,[proref] => ,[suiref] => false,[dispo] => PRE,[attributes] => Array ([0] => 1000065073,408,[1] => 1000065078,94489820201983874298,[2] => 1000065080,10994784030590940784,[3] => 1000065468,408,[4] => 1000066004,408,[5] => 1000066300,10,[6] => 1000066361,343,[7] => 1000066558,408,[8] => 1000066559,07340,[9] => 1000066573,408,[10] => 1000067950,20198543485433470984,[11] => 1000067951,24247489820574304574,[12] => 1000069557,28274081205788484327,[13] => 1000069558,40828274,[14] => 1000070384,07340,[15] => 1000070385,343,[16] => 1000070386,7417834,[17] => 1000070388,148984730,[18] => 1000072973,05507481574943024786,[19] => 1000073696,34324220386044,[20] => 1000073697,34324220386044,[21] => 2000074621,05507481574943024786,[22] => 2000075139,80547840708246058341,[23] => 2000075149,10994784,[24] => 2000075786,3432422038604,[25] => 54170,408,[26] => 5434,408,[27] => 5476,51483547209,[28] => 5497,7417834,[29] => 56978,627,[30] => 6036,1269,[31] => 60395,24,[32] => 6184,650,[33] => 62296,956,[34] => 64166,3,[35] => 64188,408,[36] => 64894,408,[37] => 65396,40828274,[38] => 65398,408,[39] => 65854,109947843555100,[40] => 999999999,3487,[41] => MAR,2035,[42] => fam01,1,[43] => fam02,1_2,[44] => fam03,1_2_,[45] => fam04,1_2__,[46] => fam05,1_2___))),[count_dispo] => Array ([DPC] => 1,[PRE] => 1),[nb_total] => 2,[nb_retrieve] => 2,[facet] => Array ([attributes] => Array ([0] => 1000065073,408,[1] => 2,[2] => 1000065468,408,[3] => 2,[4] => 1000066004,408,[5] => 2,[6] => 1000066361,343,[7] => 2,[8] => 1000066558,408,[9] => 2,[10] => 1000066559,07340,[11] => 2,[12] => 1000066573,408,[13] => 2,[14] => 1000070384,07340,[15] => 2,[16] => 1000070385,343,[17] => 2,[18] => 1000070386,7417834,[19] => 2,[20] => 1000072973,05507481574943024786,[21] => 2,[22] => 2000075149,10994784,[23] => 2,[24] => 2000075786,3432422038604,[25] => 2,[26] => 54170,408,[27] => 2,[28] => 5434,408,[29] => 2,[30] => 5476,51483547209,[31] => 2,[32] => 5497,7417834,[33] => 2,[34] => 60395,24,[35] => 2,[36] => 64894,408,[37] => 2,[38] => 999999999,3487,[39] => 2,[40] => fam01,1,[41] => 2,[42] => fam02,1_2,[43] => 2,[44] => fam03,1_2_,[45] => 2,[46] => fam04,1_2__,[47] => 2,[48] => fam05,1_2___,[49] => 2,[50] => 1000065078,94489820201983874298,[51] => 1,[52] => 1000065080,10994784030590940784,[53] => 1,[54] => 1000065080,14027433414898474481,[55] => 1,[56] => 1000066165,8383728332,[57] => 1,[58] => 1000066300,10,[59] => 1,[60] => 1000066373,245022,[61] => 1,[62] => 1000067950,20198543485433470984,[63] => 1,[64] => 1000067951,24247489820574304574,[65] => 1,[66] => 1000069557,24334294075407282745,[67] => 1,[68] => 1000069557,28274081205788484327,[69] => 1,[70] => 1000069558,40828274,[71] => 1,[72] => 1000070388,148984730,[73] => 1,[74] => 1000070388,882514089,[75] => 1,[76] => 1000073696,005,[77] => 1,[78] => 1000073696,34324220386044,[79] => 1,[80] => 1000073697,30744283820214873498,[81] => 1,[82] => 1000073697,34324220386044,[83] => 1,[84] => 1000074568,24,[85] => 1,[86] => 1000074569,50,[87] => 1,[88] => 2000074621,05507481574943024786,[89] => 1,[90] => 2000074621,05507481574947417834,[91] => 1,[92] => 2000074968,11143981148431067405,[93] => 1,[94] => 2000075138,427039029814,[95] => 1,[96] => 2000075139,80547840708246058341,[97] => 1,[98] => 2000075155,522536,[99] => 1,[100] => 2000075156,52,[101] => 1,[102] => 2000075157,24390745,[103] => 1,[104] => 2000075158,3522,[105] => 1,[106] => 2000075395,3432422038604,[107] => 1,[108] => 56978,627,[109] => 1,[110] => 56978,695,[111] => 1,[112] => 6036,1269,[113] => 1,[114] => 6036,134,[115] => 1,[116] => 6184,650,[117] => 1,[118] => 6184,675,[119] => 1,[120] => 62296,1005,[121] => 1,[122] => 62296,956,[123] => 1,[124] => 64166,3,[125] => 1,[126] => 64166,32,[127] => 1,[128] => 64188,408,[129] => 1,[130] => 64893,302478604494598604,[131] => 1,[132] => 65396,40828274,[133] => 1,[134] => 65398,408,[135] => 1,[136] => 65401,1040000,[137] => 1,[138] => 65410,54563,[139] => 1,[140] => 65854,1099478418843,[141] => 1,[142] => 65854,109947843555100,[143] => 1,[144] => ATT12,TEST PRODUIT,[145] => 1,[146] => ATT13,#eb3b5a,[147] => 1,[148] => MAR,1463,[149] => 1,[150] => MAR,2035,[151] => 1))), Array ([source] => solr,[id_catalog] => 29,[id_page] => ,[page] => 1,[nb_by_page] => 12,[order] => dispo,[orderby] => asc,[type] => swiper,[split] => ,[max] => 20,[data] => Array ([type] => association,[codepro] => 4549292160611,[type_assoc] => S),[rules] => Array ([ADD] => Array ([0] => Array ([bool] => ,[key] => codepro,[operator] => =,[value] => 4548736079656),[1] => Array ([bool] => ,[key] => codepro,[operator] => =,[value] => 4960759904676),[2] => Array ([bool] => ,[key] => codepro,[operator] => ,[value] => 4549292063615),[3] => Array ([bool] => ,[key] => codepro,[operator] => =,[value] => 4046628432836),[4] => Array ([bool] => ,[key] => codepro,[operator] => =,[value] => 0683203854986),[5] => Array ([bool] => ,[key] => codepro,[operator] => =,[value] => 0000000032513),[6] => Array ([bool] => ,[key] => codepro,[operator] => =,[value] => 4549292119091),[7] => Array ([bool] => ,[key] => codepro,[operator] => =,[value] => 4547410362534))),[filters] => Array (),[authorizedFilter] => Array (),[liste_codepro] => Array (),[pushcontent] => Array (),[lang] => fra,[devise] => EUR,[type_devise] => TTC,[codbar] => BAR,[date] => 2024-05-16 06:27:40,[query] => ,[seePagination] => 0,[seeOrderMenu] => 0,[seeFilterMenu] => 0,[globalFilterMenu] => 0,[seeDecliPicto] => 0,[onlycat] => ,[level] => 0,[prefixe_media] => m_,[template_file] => SHOP_mozaique_may_also_like.tpl.php,[rotator_controls] => 1,[rotator_height] => ,[rotator_width] => 720px,[rotator_link] => ,[rotator_speed] => 2000,[onlyCatalogFilters] => 0,[rotator_transition] => slideLeft,[class_css] => ,[nb_by_line] => 4,[swiper_autoplay] => ,[swiper_loop] => 1,[swiper_navigation] => 1,[swiper_pagination] => 0,[swiper_speed] => ,[article_templates] => Array (),[hash] => ,[tpl_suffix] => _assoc)) called at [/var/www/html/phox/application/Library/App/Catalog.php:2026]
#3 App_Catalog::getElements(Array ([source] => solr,[id_catalog] => 29,[id_page] => ,[page] => 1,[nb_by_page] => 12,[order] => dispo,[orderby] => asc,[type] => swiper,[split] => ,[max] => 20,[data] => Array ([type] => association,[codepro] => 4549292160611,[type_assoc] => S),[rules] => Array ([ADD] => Array ([0] => Array ([bool] => ,[key] => codepro,[operator] => =,[value] => 4548736079656),[1] => Array ([bool] => ,[key] => codepro,[operator] => =,[value] => 4960759904676),[2] => Array ([bool] => ,[key] => codepro,[operator] => ,[value] => 4549292063615),[3] => Array ([bool] => ,[key] => codepro,[operator] => =,[value] => 4046628432836),[4] => Array ([bool] => ,[key] => codepro,[operator] => =,[value] => 0683203854986),[5] => Array ([bool] => ,[key] => codepro,[operator] => =,[value] => 0000000032513),[6] => Array ([bool] => ,[key] => codepro,[operator] => =,[value] => 4549292119091),[7] => Array ([bool] => ,[key] => codepro,[operator] => =,[value] => 4547410362534))),[filters] => Array (),[authorizedFilter] => Array (),[liste_codepro] => Array (),[pushcontent] => Array (),[lang] => fra,[devise] => EUR,[type_devise] => TTC,[codbar] => BAR,[date] => 2024-05-16 06:27:40,[query] => ,[seePagination] => 0,[seeOrderMenu] => 0,[seeFilterMenu] => 0,[globalFilterMenu] => 0,[seeDecliPicto] => 0,[onlycat] => ,[level] => 0,[prefixe_media] => m_,[template_file] => SHOP_mozaique_may_also_like.tpl.php,[rotator_controls] => 1,[rotator_height] => ,[rotator_width] => 720px,[rotator_link] => ,[rotator_speed] => 2000,[onlyCatalogFilters] => 0,[rotator_transition] => slideLeft,[class_css] => ,[nb_by_line] => 4,[swiper_autoplay] => ,[swiper_loop] => 1,[swiper_navigation] => 1,[swiper_pagination] => 0,[swiper_speed] => ,[article_templates] => Array (),[hash] => ,[tpl_suffix] => _assoc)) called at [/var/www/html/phox/application/Library/App/Catalog.php:45]
#4 App_Catalog::build(Array ([source] => solr,[id_catalog] => 29,[id_page] => ,[page] => 1,[nb_by_page] => 12,[order] => dispo,[orderby] => asc,[type] => swiper,[split] => ,[max] => 20,[data] => Array ([type] => association,[codepro] => 4549292160611,[type_assoc] => S),[rules] => Array ([ADD] => Array ([0] => Array ([bool] => ,[key] => codepro,[operator] => =,[value] => 4548736079656),[1] => Array ([bool] => ,[key] => codepro,[operator] => =,[value] => 4960759904676),[2] => Array ([bool] => ,[key] => codepro,[operator] => ,[value] => 4549292063615),[3] => Array ([bool] => ,[key] => codepro,[operator] => =,[value] => 4046628432836),[4] => Array ([bool] => ,[key] => codepro,[operator] => =,[value] => 0683203854986),[5] => Array ([bool] => ,[key] => codepro,[operator] => =,[value] => 0000000032513),[6] => Array ([bool] => ,[key] => codepro,[operator] => =,[value] => 4549292119091),[7] => Array ([bool] => ,[key] => codepro,[operator] => =,[value] => 4547410362534))),[filters] => Array (),[authorizedFilter] => Array (),[liste_codepro] => Array (),[pushcontent] => Array (),[lang] => fra,[devise] => EUR,[type_devise] => TTC,[codbar] => BAR,[date] => 2024-05-16 06:27:40,[query] => ,[seePagination] => 0,[seeOrderMenu] => 0,[seeFilterMenu] => 0,[globalFilterMenu] => 0,[seeDecliPicto] => 0,[onlycat] => ,[level] => 0,[prefixe_media] => m_,[template_file] => SHOP_mozaique_may_also_like.tpl.php,[rotator_controls] => 1,[rotator_height] => ,[rotator_width] => 720px,[rotator_link] => ,[rotator_speed] => 2000,[onlyCatalogFilters] => 0,[rotator_transition] => slideLeft,[class_css] => ,[nb_by_line] => 4,[swiper_autoplay] => ,[swiper_loop] => 1,[swiper_navigation] => 1,[swiper_pagination] => 0,[swiper_speed] => ,[article_templates] => Array (),[hash] => ,[tpl_suffix] => _assoc)) called at [/var/www/html/phox/application/Library/App/Article.php:1134]
#5 App_Article::buildArticleAssociations(4549292160611, S) called at [/var/www/html/phox/application/Library/App/Article.php:208]
#6 App_Article::buildFicheArticle(4549292160611, BAR) called at [/var/www/html/phox/application/Controllers/App/article.php:31]
#7 Controllers_App_article->init() called at [/var/www/html/phox/application/Library/Klib/ControllerSelect.php:64]
#8 Klib_ControllerSelect::render() called at [/var/www/html/phox/public/index.php:34]
